COVER IMG How to Open a Physical Therapy Practice Part 3
Part Three: Download Your Free Guide

Part 3: A Guide to Maximizing Your Success After Opening Your New Physical Therapy Practice

In part one of this series, you learned about the pre-opening process. If you missed it, check it out here. In part two, you finalized your practice location, and learned how to set up and equip your new practice before you opened your doors – check that out here if you haven’t seen it yet. 

Maximize the Value of Your New PT Practice 

In the final part of this series, you will learn what you need to do as a new practice owner to achieve maximum success in the physical therapy private practice industry. From marketing planning to software selection, and understanding key performance metrics in the business, this final guide will help you get the most out of your new physical therapy practice. This guide helps you with:

  • Marketing Your New Practice: Understand the blueprint to successful PT marketing.
  • Referral Relationships: Referrals are the lifeblood of any practice. Learn how to nurture these referrals and how to diversify your referral sources.
  • Tracking the RIGHT Metrics: "If you can't measure it, you can't improve it." Know what metrics to track for your new business and how to improve your operational efficiencies. 
  • Staffing Your Practice: How to create a strategic plan that will help prepare your practice for financing.
  • Cash-Based Services: We've all heard we need these services but which services are right for you? How do you implement them and why ignoring insurance is a bad idea?
  • Owning The Digital Space: Your digital footprint might be more important than your practice's physical footprint. Learn how to get recognized online and turn your website into a referral machine.

If you're looking to maximize your success when starting your new physical therapy practice, download your free copy of this guide!

Download the Guide Below